Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
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Dear Parents/Carers,
I am sure that after hearing the Prime Minister's statement last night, there are many questions that you may have.
At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the current guidance. We will continue to provide care for those parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response and those who require additional care. Our message is that is it safer for our whole school community to stay at home.
We have not yet received any information that will support us with this new plan to start the phased reopening of some year groups. We expect that we will receive further information from the DfE shortly, hopefully with some clarification.
We will need clear guidance to plan how it will be possible to social distance in school
and keep our children, staff and families safe; how we might start to phase groups of children returning and what this looks like. Please be assured there is no way that we will open until we are 100% prepared.
As always, we will keep you informed, but for now, please try not to worry. Our plan for now is to continue to provide activities for learning at home, keep contact with you, our school family, and continue to support each other in these difficult and uncertain times.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Jones