
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.


Lead teacher: Mrs Terris 


English Writing

We value the need for a strong grounding in English that will impact future learning and the development of a child in all aspects of their life. We want our children to be able to write for a range of purposes and audiences whilst developing their own flair. Writing grammatically, using a range of vocabulary and applying the range of spelling rules alongside a neat and joined handwriting style is essential in our children becoming confident writers now and in the future. We aim for our children to apply these English skills across the curriculum. 


English Reading

We value the need for a strong grounding in English that will impact future learning and the development of a child in all aspects of their life. We want our children to become avid readers, who read with fluency and enjoyment, they can make comments about a text and explain their preference and know that there are many genres and authors to choose from.


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