Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is followed at Hertford St Andrew C of E Primary School.
The care and education of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follow statutory requirements and guidance given by Government.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
This is the statutory framework for all children aged between 0 and 5 years. It provides a planning framework for all the children at Hertford St Andrew.
The early years curriculum is organised into 7 areas of learning
For each area of learning there is a set of developmental stages and early learning outcomes which describe what each child is expected to be learning at each stage.
Teachers and Early Years Practitioners plan the curriculum to ensure the children make good progress towards the early learning goals which children are expected to reach by the end of the Reception class. At Hertford St Andrew we support all children to make the best possible progress and achieve their highest potential by the time they leave us.
There are 7 areas of learning:
3 Prime areas of learning
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
4 Specific areas of learning
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design
Communication and Language
• Listening and Attention: Children learn to listen to each other and adults individually and in small and large groups. They listen and join in with stories and rhymes every day with enjoyment and relevant responses.
• Understanding: Children develop understanding of language through their play and exploration they respond to questions, they explore, predict, explain, describe… They learn to follow instructions to extend their learning.
• Speaking: Children are given a rich range of real experiences and activities to talk about. They take part in planning and recall activities enabling them to talk about past experiences and plan the future
Physical Development
• Moving and Handling: learning and improving skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement in large and small movements e.g. climbing, jumping and using pencils and scissors.
• Health and self-care: Children learn about the importance of good health, physical exercise and healthy diet. They enjoy the outdoor environment every day including a wide range of play activities. They will learn to manage their own hygiene and personal needs, e.g. hand washing and healthy snacks.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
• Making relationships: Hertford St Andrew provides a happy, safe and secure environment where children feel valued and respected. Children form positive relationships and learn to work and play together cooperatively.
• Self-confidence and self-awareness: Hertford St Andrew provides an environment where children grow in independence and are excited about learning. They will learn to speak in a group, to express their ideas and to make choices.
• Managing feelings and behaviour: Children learn about their emotions and the feelings of others. They will be supported to show appropriate behaviour, turn take and share.
In the EYFS children’s mathematical understanding develops through active learning, play and exploration. They will use indoor and outdoor environments, stories, songs, cooking and games.
• Number: Children will learn to count reliably, order numbers, calculate, problem solve and use mathematical language
• Shape, space and measure: Children will learn about weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money. They will explore, recognise, create and describe patterns and shapes.
For both reading and writing children will develop phonic knowledge that will enable them to decode, read and write words. Phonics will take place through a range of learning experiences e.g. listening activities, songs, rhymes and playing with language throughout the EYFS.
• Reading: Children will learn the skills they need to be a reader and to love books, they will borrow books to be read to them at home and enjoy daily stories at school. They will become familiar with print and talk about their reading.
• Writing: All attempts at writing will be encouraged, children will start with their own names and words of interest to them. They will write what is meaningful to them and be able to read it.
Understanding the World
People and Communities; The World; Technology
In a rich active learning environment children are challenged to find out about themselves and the cultural diversity within the world.
They will use ICT and explore the natural world that they live in.
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring and using media materials; children will sing, make music and dance. They will have daily opportunities to use a wide range of tools, techniques and materials creatively and safely.
Being Imaginative; children will be encouraged and supported to express themselves imaginatively through all media.
How young children learn
Through Child Initiated Play, and small group adult led activities, the children will experience a range of activities indoors and outdoors, whatever the weather to develop skills, knowledge and independence. We have suitable clothing to enable children to be outside, whatever the weather. Children learn actively within a supportive routine.
In all areas of learning there is a strong emphasis on active learning, play and exploration, and creating and thinking critically.