
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.

Year 1 Hazel

Welcome to Year 1! 

We are Hazel Class! On this page you will find out about all our learning, adventures and all the amazing things we get up to...

Our learning journey through Year 1...

May 2024

Maths: Recognising and making equal groups

PE - Infant Agility at Sele School. We had a great morning at Sele!

Science: Wild plants vs Garden Plants. We explored the school grounds to classify plants. Then we came back and sorted plant pictures into groups and drew some still life plants.

English - Traditional Tales: The Gingerbread Man. We used puppets to help us learn the story off by heart.

April 2024

Science: Identify and label parts of plants

English - Tradtional Tales: The Little Red Hen story mapping

History - Hertford Museum came to share Nelly's Toy Box with us. It was great fun!

March 2024

DT - Making Puppets: We practised joining fabrics with staples, pva glue and safety pins.

English - Non-fiction reports about Bats. We practised being blind like a bat and using squeaks to avoid bumping into things.

Science - Grouping Animals > amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, fish

RE - Praising God. Creating badges and decorating words to show how awesome God is!

Maths - Investigating Mass: human scales and pan balances

World Book Day - Come in as your favourite book character!

February 2024

Stuck - Oliver Jeffers

History of Toys - Bring in your favourite toy to share and discuss

January 2024

RE - Parables

In RE, We are learning about parables. A parable is a story Jesus told to tell people what God was like. We explored the parable of 'The Lost Sheep'.

Maths - Exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes

English - Giraffe's Can't Dance - Writing questions

Maths - Exploring doubles and halves with cuisenaire rods

December 2023

Christmas! Getting decorative and making paper chains

Maths - Exploring ten and some more...

November 2023

St Andrew's Day - celebrating through craft and yummy shortbread

Music - Exploring xylophones

Science - Grouping and labelling materials

English - Lost and Found. Using Talk 4 Writing to learn and retell the story.

Art - Leaf art, rubbings and foxes!

October 2023

Maths - Pentomino fun! Exploring ways to make 5.

RE - Find a way to show how Jesus welcomed children

English - Using Time Words to Seqeunce Events

Maths - Subitising! Say the number you see without counting!

Science - Seasonal Changes Signs of Autumn

Outdoor Learning - Den Building!

September 2023

English - Wolf Won't Bite! We performed the story :)

PE - Cricket with Gagan

English: Oi Frog! Challenge: make the frog using any equipment you choose.
