
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.

Every Day Learning

Summer 2020
Suggested activities 13th - 17th July 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and happy. I cannot believe we have made it to the last week of term. This academic year certainly has been different but we have survived, so well done all!


Yet more children returned to school last week and it was wonderful to have them back. From September you are all expected to return to school as normal. We have lots to get organised before then. When our classroom is set up and ready to go, I will pop some photographs on here so you know what to expect when you return. Of course our current Reception children will be moving into a new classroom, so you should keep an eye on the Year 1 class page to know what you have to look forward to.


I hope you enjoy completing the tasks I am setting for this week. Do keep sending photographs of your home learning to the teacher email address, which is It really is wonderful to see what you are getting up to at home.


Take care and look after each other,

heart Mrs Sampson xx

Coin Roll

This activity is great for fine motor development and hand-eye coordination. Using a variety of round coins, challenge your child to roll the coins on their end. How far can they roll them? Which coins roll the farthest? Bigger or smaller coins?


If your child is struggling to get the coin to roll, you can make this easier by using a range of lids instead.

You could extend this game further by giving your child a target to aim for, such as a line of tape or a circle of paper on the floor.


Paint Car Rolling...

If you haven’t got a slide you can make a ramp using a piece of wood or cardboard. Lay some paper down your slide or ramp. Dip your car types in paint and then roll!


Kitchen Lid Treasure Box

Collect lots of different sized lids. Wash them well. Use them for:

  • Sorting
  • Counting
  • Pattern making
  • Number matching
  • Art


Pebble Letters

You will need:

  • Pebbles
  • Old magazines or comics
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue


What to do:

  1. Find letters or numbers in the magazines and cut them out.
  2. Use the glue to stick them onto the pebbles and leave to dry
  3. Make words with the pebbles or leave someone a special message.


What’s in the Bag?

You need a bag and objects from around the house. The adult says, ‘In my bag you will find...’

The adult then sounds out one of the items, e.g. s-p-oo-n. Your child listens and blends the sounds together and tells you what the object is. Repeat for different objects.


Monster Tunnel

  1. Find a box.
  2. Cut some different sized holes in the side.
  3. Decorate your holes to look like monsters.
  4. Role a ball across the floor... can you get the ball in the monsters mouth?
  5. You can give each monsters mouth a number and make a score sheet.


Balloon Keepy Uppy

How long can your keep a balloon up without touching the floor? Howe many body parts can you use to keep it from touching the floor? Try your foot, knee, hand, elbow and head! Make it a competition and log the results.

Suggested activities 6th-10th July 2020

Hello guys,


I hope you are all well and have had a good week. School life continues to be very different without you all, but I am so happy to say that more of you will be joining us next week and we can't wait! I know some of you are staying at home until September and of course I understand this. I just want you to know the classroom is not the same without you, I miss you very much crying. Here are some more activities to keep you busy at home and remember you can always contact me via the teacher email at


Take care and stay safe, 

heart Mrs Sampson xx

Start the week by introducing this week’s morning exercise routine. Encourage your child to practise at least once a day. Don't be afraid to also practise previous learnt routines, we do in class.

Ask your child to look up to the sky and down to the ground. Ask them to draw what they can see and have a go at completing the sentence, I can see a..                     


Create a space phone with your child using items from around the home. Get them to practise forming numerals correctly to create the buttons. Make a space phone book to support role-play. Ask your child to draw a picture of a different alien on each page and write a phone number for them.


Listen to a piece of classical music of your choice. Ask your child to draw/ paint along to the music. How does the music make them feel? CHALLENGE: Can they write onto their picture how it made them feel?


Play Washing Line Phonics- Peg along a washing line, or clothes airer, a number of different readable words. Give your child a simple sentence and ask them to rearrange the words to make that sentence. Simplify to sounds if needed.


Drummers Drumming - Using pots, pans and baking trays from the kitchen lay out your own ‘drum kit’. Allow your child to explore by banging and tapping the pans to see the different sounds they make. Extend this activity by tapping out a rhythm and asking your child to listen to it then repeat it. You could make this more difficult by adding in a blindfold so they have to rely on the sound to identify which pot or pan they need to hit to copy.


Play, “What’s That Sound -Game 1- Hum a song to your child that they are likely to know. Can they guess which song it is from the tune alone? Take it in turns to hum out a tune. Game 2- Go into a room of the house while your child listens outside of the door. Make a sound or play a rhythm out on an item in the room e.g. tapping on the table. Open the door and ask your child to find what you used to make the sound.


Make up your own addition number stories. For example, ‘first, there are 3 people on the bus. Then, 2 more people get on the bus. How many people are on the bus?’ You could create some for your grown up and vice versa.  Make a pretend shop.


Ask your child to think about who they believe to be important people – such as the Queen. How would your child describe them? Why do they think they are important? Your child could list important people. Ask your child to think about and draw someone who is very important to them. Can your child say or write a simple sentence describing why this person.


Suggested activities 29th - 3rd July 2020

Hey guys,


Well another week has passed and although it's great being at school, I continue to miss the busyness of our classroom. Rest assured we are continually planning for when we can all be together again, how wonderful it will be! I hope you are all keeping well. You might have even started to get out and about a little more? Do keep in touch via the teacher email address which is 

Whatever you are doing have fun and stay safe!


Lots of heart Mrs Sampson xx

Here's another dance/exercise routine to practise daily.

Out and about

Next time you’re out for a walk, you can practise chatting with your child about the things they see.


Decide something to look out for, then see who can spot the most. You can try:


How many red cars can you see?

How many buses can you see?

How many traffic lights are there?

How many dogs can you spot?

How many squirrels are in the park?


This game helps your child pay attention to their surroundings and practise counting. When you get home you can play a game of recall and get them to draw or write about what they saw and heard.


Continue to have a daily phonics session, at this stage we are recapping and consolidating previous learning. We are using the Phonics Play website and The Letters and Sounds YouTube channel. Practise your letter formation every day and write simple sentences about things you can do, see or feel. 


Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns is a sequencing game where children need to complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. There are three levels of difficulty. Good luck!

Coins Game

Coins game is a money game which introduces children to coinage in British, Australian, American and Euro currencies. The currency defaults to British, but can be changed by clicking on the flags. 


It has three game modes. The first activity, Sorting, helps children to recognise the different coins. The second, Ordering, involves arranging the coins from lowest to highest values. Thirdly, the Counting game has eight different ability levels where children count the amounts of money on a piggy bank.


In addition to this, why don’t you do some coin rubbing with your child. You will need paper, a selection of coins and some crayons.

Support your child and make a pirate treasure map. It is completely up to you how you do this. You can do the original tea stained paper and ripped edges, or you could make a map on the computer if you are a whizz!


You to include a few features on your map:

*A forest

*A volcano

*A lake

*The sea

*The route you plan to travel

*And the all important X marks the spot.


You can include additional things if you want to.

Suggested activities 22nd - 26th June 20

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are continuing to keep well and busy and surely by now you know how much we miss you! I know it is difficult having to stay at home and that is why you have to keep busy. You must do lots of things to keep your mind and body healthy, like singing, dancing, exercising, reading, gardening and whatever else might make you happy. Those children who are at school every day are doing really well but they too miss their friends. As soon as it is safe we will invite you back to school, but until then. Take care and stay safe.

heart Mrs Sampson xx

Daily Exercise

Start the week by introducing this week’s morning exercise routine. Encourage your child to practise at least once a day. Don't be afraid to also practise previous learnt routines, we do in class.


Continue to have a daily phonics session, at this stage we are recapping and consolidating previous learning. We are using the Phonics Play website and The Letters and Sounds YouTube channel. Practise your letter formation every day and write simple sentences about things you can do, see or feel. 


A Spiral Snake

What you need:

A piece of paper


A pencil

Needle and thread

Felt tip pens or crayons

  1. Draw a spiral on the piece of paper and decorate it to look like a snake.
  2. Carefully cut round the spiral.
  3. To hang the snake, cut a length of cotton and thread the needle with it. Push the needle through the ‘head’ of the snake, remove the needle and knot underneath the ‘head’ so the cotton doesn’t pull through.
  4. Hang the snake close to a draughty area and watch the snake spin.

Construction and Counting

When playing with a construction set or small toys, suggest that you play with a certain amount between 1 and 10 each. You could say ‘let’s play with 6 pieces to start with. What can you make/do with 6 pieces/toys?’ Encourage your child to count out the selected number of items to use. Progress to suggesting adding more, increasing the quantity to be used. Encourage your child to count the amount each time. Begin to record these calculations if possible.


Constructing with a purpose

Talk to your child about what they might build before they begin to construct. Offer them a range of things to build with that may include construction sets, wooden bricks or household items such as empty food boxes and packets, tins, cushions and furniture. The construction could be tiny or enormous or both. Draw a plan, with labels before you start and make a list of what you might need. Take a photo as a record of your child’s efforts and add to making a book over time to capture photographs of all the creations made.



Invite your child to listen and learn this song about the importance of brushing their teeth.

Remember your child should gently brush their teeth for up to two minutes using a child-sized soft-bristled brush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. You can let them help, but as the adult, you should brush their teeth as well. This practice should continue until at least age 7.

Fun Things to Cook at Home – Super Sandwiches

Going on a Bear Hunt

Your child should already know this book, or they might be discovering it for the first time. It’s the story of a family who go on a ‘bear hunt’, but first they have to go through various obstacles.

Encourage your child to join in the chant of the rhyming part of the book, then act out going through the long grass or thick mud.

If your child enjoys this, make up your own ‘bear hunt’ around the house and look for a hidden teddy bear.

Combining reading, playing and imagination will help your child be excited about books. This will help them when they start to learn how to read.

Your child will develop creative thinking and language skills as they act out this story.

Suggested activities from 15th - 19th June

Hi all, 

I hope those of you who are not back in school are keeping well and to those who are back, I just want to say well done. What a brilliant job you have done returning to school. You are learning all of our new rules and are being really sensible at keeping yourselves and others safe. I hope those of you at home are enjoying the learning suggestions, don't forget you can still contact me on the teacher email address at


Stay safe and take care,

heart Mrs Sampson x


Go Noodle

Can your child learn the moves and sing along to this week's dance video? Encourage them to do this at least once every day you and they will know it off by heart by the end of the week. Good luck, it's a fast one!

Number bonds
Together with your child, using your fingers create pairs of number that make 10, e.g. you might show 6 and your child will show 4. Now to do this in different ways, e.g. 5 and 5, or 1 and 9. Encourage your child to record these calculations. Talk about the sign’s used, e.g. + means plus add or = means equals.

Songs, rhymes and chants

Nursery rhymes reinforce counting and concepts such as pattern and one more or one less. Think about all the ‘five’ rhymes you know: 5 little speckled frogs; 5 little ducks; 5 currant buns; 5 little monkeys and then there is 10 green bottles.  Some rhymes such as 10 fat sausages introduce other concepts such as subtraction as it is counting backwards in 2’s, and others such as ‘One, two buckle my shoe’ count up in 2’s and use rhyming words as well.


Ten things about someone special

1. Ask your child to think about the things that make you happy.

2. Now ask them to draw a picture of you.

3. Around the sides of the picture they should now write down ten things that make you happy.

4. This could then be developed into a fuller piece of writing, such as a poem about you.

Become and author

Ask your child to think about some of the different activities they have done during lockdown. Encourage them to talk about new experiences or things which they have got better at, e.g. riding a bike or exercising. Ask them to make a poster showing all what they have achieved.

Suggested activities from 8th - 12th June

Hi guys,


I hope you have had another week of fun completing the activities I set last week. Our first week back at school was very successful and tomorrow we have more children joining us which is really exciting. Please remember to be kind to one another and as helpful as you can to your adults.  Don't forget you can contact me via the teacher email address which is I am teaching every day so it may take a little longer for me to reply but be assured I will reply as soon as I can, 


Take care and stay safe my lovelies.

heart Mrs Sampson xx

Home Reading

To support your child's reading development, I recommend you use the Oxford Owl online learning tool. It has a huge range of books for you to access. You have to register and then activate your registration by clicking the link in your confirmation email.

Audible Stories

All children’s audiobooks are available for free while schools are closed.

Engage with your child and join in with their play. Have your own ideas for the play and how it might evolve and ask your child’s permission to add to their ideas. This will make them feel that they are in control, that their ideas are valued and will help them to value the ideas of others. For example, if they want to make a pretend shop, make a suggestion about how it is organised or where the bags could be placed (without taking control yourself) or you could create a hairdressers or barbers. Here are some suggested resources to use: brushes, combs, shampoo bottles, towels, clips, curlers, old hair dryers etc.


Encourage your child to help you organise your day. Create a list of tasks to do for each part of the day, for example in the morning we need to eat our breakfast, brush our teeth and get dressed. In the afternoon we eat lunch, play a game. In the evening we have dinner, have a bath, read a book and at night we go to bed. Fit in other activities and ask your child when they would like to complete them. If you can, use an analogue clock to identify the o’clock hours. Take about how the clock face is set out and how each arm is a different length as they have different roles.


Encourage your child to take photos of things they create. They can then talk about each photo with a family member. If you have a device that can record short videos, allow your child the opportunity (show them how to do this) to record a small clip of their creations. Encourage them to talk about their creation/s, what they used and how they completed it.

Music Tech
Children can get started quickly and easily with Play It:
It an online interactive music tool to help them learn about the different elements that make up a song. They can listen and layer sounds, play, clap or sing along, and even make and listen back to their own versions. Adults can send in videos of their child’s robot performance for the chance for it to be included in a new Bring The Noise video.

Boom Chicka Boom 

Have a sing and dance along each day, just like we do in class.

Invite your child to make an observational drawing of something that interests them in their immediate environment. This could be a model they have made, something in your garden, such as a flower or leaf, a special toy or object that they particularly like such as an ornament. Talk to your child about the item first, asking them what they can see by looking closely at patterns, shapes and colours. Give them a magnifying glass if you have one or use your phone to zoom in to look really closely at the item. Ask your child to select just the colours they will need to draw the item from a selection of pencils or pens. Make a ‘gallery’ for all of your child’s artwork over time.


Take it in turns with your child to perform actions such as clapping your hands, stamping your feet, clicking your fingers, blowing raspberries. How many did you count? Make some of the actions big and obvious and others quieter and more subtle.

Morning smiley


Here are some photographs to show you some of the changes we have made. There is still lots that is the same though. We are having lots of fun learning our new rules and routines. Even Mrs Diggins and I are getting used to things.


Missing you all terribly!

heart Mrs Sampson xx

Hi everyone,

I hope you've enjoyed the half term break. I've been keeping busy at home with my children but now it is time for us to return to school. As from tomorrow I will be in school every day. To begin with I will be teaching the children who have been in school throughout lockdown, however from next week more of you may return. Therefore I will be creating a video which will show you how you will come in and out of the school grounds and how the classroom looks with the changes we have made. I hope this will help you to prepare for your return.


The suggested activities I have added, will be carried out with the children in school. I hope you are able to enjoy doing these at home too.


Don't forget you can email me, to tell or show me what you have been doing at home, The email address is


Take care my lovelies,

heart Mrs Sampson

Suggested activities from 1st - 5th June

While We Can’t Hug

In the story, Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they’re not allowed to touch. I will use this story to help the children understand the need for social distancing when back at school.

Making a Puppet

This activity gets your child to choose something they like, make it, then play with it.


First, you’ll need:


A book your child likes

Paper and crayons

Child-safe scissors


Lollipop sticks or straws or an old spoon


Now time to make your puppets:


Step 1: Ask your child to choose a character or object they like from the book.

Step 2: Get them to draw a picture of it, help them cut it out and stick it to the lollipop stick (or whatever you’re using as the stick for your puppet).

Step 3: Read the book aloud and encourage your child to use the puppet when the character or object appears.


Playing with puppets can help your child work through and understand emotions.

Finding Things Out

Find things out from books or use the internet to find out about things your child is interested in. Encourage your child to make their own non-fiction book about something they’re interested in, for example animals, superheroes, space, unicorns, transport and so on.

As summer is here, find out about things that are happening in the outside world. Then go out and see what you can find. Find some flowers in your garden or along your street, in the countryside, then identify them in a book or on a computer/IPAD/phone.

Counting and Measure

Invite your child to watch you count how many footsteps from the kitchen to the bedroom. Find a different route, e.g. from the front door to the bathroom. Which route is the longest/shortest? What happens if you take bigger steps? Ask your child to repeat this activity but this time they will count their own steps. What do they notice? Can they explain why? Ask your child to draw a story map showing what you did.

Small Talk

TV time doesn’t have to be something your child does quietly on their own. It can be a good way to get them chatting about something they like. Sit down together and watch your child’s favourite show. Try asking questions like:


‘Why is this your favourite show?’

‘What’s happening?’

‘Who’s your favourite character?’


Talk about how it makes both of you feel. Does it make you laugh or make you feel sad? This is a good way of helping your child learn about feelings. See if there are ways to relate the show to real life. For example, if there are animals in the show, are there animals you see in the real life? By watching TV shows together and talking about it, you are helping your child make connections with the world around us.

Garden Song

What things can your child find in your home and garden that make a sound?  What do the sounds make them think of?

Dinosaur Song

Watch and enjoy.wink Encourage your child to join in with all the singing and dancing!

Suggested tasks from 20th - 28th May 2020

Hi guys,

I hope you are all well. This is the last week of this half term. I cannot believe how quickly it has passed. This week has been particularly lovely, as I have spoken to lots of parents and have heard about all the wonderful things you have been getting up to at home. I have even seen one or two of you at the school gates, which warmed my heart wink I have continued to receive lots of emails with photographs of you and examples of your learning. What a clever and lucky bunch you are! 


Of course, like you, I miss being at school everyday. Some of you may return after the half term break and that will be wonderful, but for those of you who will be staying at home a little longer, I will continue to suggest some activities for you to do at home.


Take care, be kind and stay healthy,

With heart Mrs Sampson xxx

Activity 1: Recite some nursery rhymes. How many do you know? Can you draw a picture of you of your favourite nursery rhyme?


Activity 2: Play ‘What’s in the box?’ by placing an item or picture in a box and then encouraging your child to ask questions to find out what the item is. For example, if a teddy bear, they might ask, “Is it a toy?” “Is it hard or soft?” “Does it have arms and legs?” “Can it fly?” “Does it move?” The rules could mean that you will just answer “yes” or “no” to these questions. Aim to have a limit of 10 questions. Consider keeping count using a tally such as adding 10 pegs onto a piece of card, placing 10 pieces of pasta in a bowl, 10 ticks on a piece of paper. Your child will then have to guess after the 10 questions have been asked.

Swap roles and allow your child to answer your questions.


Activity 3: Cut the top off a carrot and put it in a saucer of water and watch it sprout over a few days.

Sow some cress seeds. You could use some clean empty egg shells or yogurt pots. Place some cotton wool inside and sprinkle some cress seeds on top. Keep the cotton wool moist and watch them grow.

Gather some leaves from your garden. Look at the differences between them and talk about what you see, describe the patterns, colour, texture and smell. You may want to make rubbings of them.


Activity 4: Make some posters to go around your house. Here are some ideas to help you; how to be kind, how to keep your room tidy, to remind everyone they have to wash their hands for 20 seconds or possible daily chores you can do to help your adults.


Activity 5: Play the ‘I spy’ type game about different shapes. Place some items of differing shapes in front of you both, for example a tin of food, an orange, a tissue box, ornaments, plant pots, plants, a candle, a banana and so on. Say ‘I spy with my little eye something that is curved, or long, tall, smooth, wide, bumpy, pointy, has four corners, has six sides.’ Use one descriptive word at a time, adding more until your child guesses accurately. Over time they may then be able to do the describing.


Activity 6: Talk to your child about how they feel. Have they ever felt angry? Can they give you an example of when they felt angry. Discuss what people might do when they are angry? Think and discuss different ways for how to calm down, such as deep breaths, listening to some calm music, finding space on their own, remembering a time when they felt happy or finding the right person to talk to about how they feel. You can repeat this activity for any emotion. It is really important for the children to understand that we all respond differently to different experiences, we just need to learn how best to cope with these feelings.


Activity 7: Make an ‘I am me’ book or poster. Each page could be something that makes your child special and unique. Each sentence could begin with ‘I can….’ or ‘I am…’ or ‘I have…’ Encourage your child to look in a mirror at their own features, chat about what they like to do, what they are good at, and compare this to other family members of friends.


Activity 8: Make a colour chart. Take a strip of paper and make patches of colour along it with pencils or pens. Take it outside and using sellotape, stick things that match the colours onto the strip. See how many colours you can match.

Hello to all my lovely nursery and reception children wink

How are you all? Here we are, all these weeks later, still at home and trying to keep busy. I hope you are being kind to one another and doing as many of the tasks I have suggested to keep your brains active. Thank you to those families who have contacted me via the teacher email address (teacher@hertfordstandrew.herts.sch) It really is good to hear from you and to be able to support you during this lockdown period. Even though we are not at school I am still your teacher and will do anything I can to help you.


Take care my lovelies, 

heart Mrs Sampson x

Suggested tasks from 13th - 20th May 2020

Nursery children work through the Phase 2 activities.

Reception children work through Phase 3 activities and then move onto Phase 4 when and if you feel ready.

Activity 1: Using foam/magnetic numbers or write numbers on plastic (play pit) balls, with permanent markers. Ask your child to catch, find or write a given number. Encourage them to say the number out loud. When they are secure with number order, make it more challenging by asking questions such as… What number comes before…? What number comes after…? What number is between … and …? What is one more than…? What is one less than…? o Encourage them to sequence the numbers in the bath, using bath crayons or foam numbers. o Ask them to fish out two balls. What is the total?


Activity 2: Dice games: Roll a die. Add that many bricks to your tower. Each player takes 3 turns. How many bricks do you have after 3 turns? Who has the most bricks? The least number of bricks? Roll two dice. Add the amounts together and make a tower. What is the tallest tower you can make? What is the smallest tower you can make? Of course the bricks can be made into towers and measured arranging them in order from the smallest to the tallest.


Activity 3: Play Fish for Sounds – ask your child to write out some letter sounds that correspond to objects found around your home such as ‘sh’ for shoe or ‘b’ for bed. Can they write the whole word or even write the word in a simple sentence or caption?


Activity 4:  Support your child to create a food diary to record how many pieces of fruit and vegetables they eat in a day. They could write these using their phonics knowledge and draw a picture of each item.


Activity 5: Create a collage - Ask your child to draw out a number of fruits or vegetables, can they fill a piece of A4 paper?


Activity 6: Provide your child with a selection of colourful packaging. Can they cut out and collage using the packaging?


Activity 7: Play shops - Using toy food or old packaging, set up a food shop for your child to act out being the shopkeeper and customer. You could introduce coins to support their developing knowledge of money. Give them a notepad to use as a shopping list.


Activity 8: Potato/ Vegetable Printing - Using a selection of vegetables available in your kitchen, support your child to print and explore the shapes and patterns created.

Suggested tasks from 6th - 13th May 2020 

Hello everybody,


I hope you are all keeping well and have been busy completing the tasks I set last week. Have you watched Mr Jones' VE Day video yet? If not there's a link to it on the Latest News section of the website.

It is lovely to hear from some of you via our teacher email. If you haven't yet emailed please do so at Just let me know what you have been doing and how you all are. I really miss you all and I can't wait to see you again.


Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Sampson xx smiley

Activity 1 – Can you draw your favourite toy? Add labels to your picture.


Activity 2  - Write your name, using a different colour for each letter. You could also write the names of your family.


Activity 3 - Use your body to pretend to be different animals:


Snake: slither across the floor

Butterfly: flutter around the room

Elephant: stomp with both feet

Kangaroo: bounce around

Frog: hop like a frog

Flamingo: stand still on one leg


Activity 4 - Can you build a model of your house? You could use construction kits or recycled materials.


Activity 5 -  Make an ‘I can...’ book together. Write the title ‘I can…’ on the front and then on each page write something your child is able to do. You can scribe your child’s words, saying each letter/word as you write, or they could write independently if they are able to. They can also have the option to draw a picture on each page of the things they can do.


Activity 6 - Look at photos of things that you’ve done over the years as a family. Make a scrap book together.


Activity 7 - Go for a shape hunt in your house and garden. Give your child a shape to hold and see how many of that shape they can find. Take photos/draw pictures of the shapes to create a shape book.

Suggested tasks from 29th April - 6th May 2020

Hi guys, I hope you are all keeping well and busy. Hopefully you are enjoying taking part in the activities I have suggested. Don't forget, you can email examples of your learning or photographs of you keeping busy to I would love to see how you are keeping busy and it would be fabulous share what you send, so check here next week to see what I have received.


Take care and keep safe,

Mrs Sampson wink 

Activity 1 - What have you seen?

Draw me a lovely picture of something you have seen while you have been out walking.


Activity 2  - Number Blocks

Watch some episodes of number blocks to help recognise numbers 1-10

Activity 3 – Reading

Choose any of the age appropriate free ebooks found in the home learning section on the Oxford Owl website.

Activity 4 – Feelings

Talk about your feelings today. What made you happy/sad/grumpy?

Did you make someone else grumpy/sad/happy ?


You could draw a picture under a sad/grumpy/happy face and ask a grown up to write what you say.


Activity 5 – Pentecost Story

Please share the story of Pentecost attached below.

Activity 6 –  Floating and Sinking

 Can you make a boat that floats? Using things you have at home, try and make and decorate a boat. Here is a suggestion of how to do it but you can make it however you want.

Activity 7 - Describing Words

Choose your favourite toy. Draw a picture of it then around the picture write as many words to describe it as you can.

Hey guys, hope you're all well and have enjoyed the weekend. I have just learnt that from today you will be able to access a daily phonics lesson online. The Government have made these available at different levels. See the letter below which outlines how it all works.


Take care and stay safe, Mrs Sampson wink x

Suggested tasks from 22nd - 29th April 2020

Hi guys,

I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well and have had choclicious Easter break. It was very strange to return to school this week without so many of you but I want you to know that even though staying at home for such a long time feels strange, it is the right thing for us to do. I hope you remember the really important things you must to do EVERY day, just in case you have forgotten let me remind you and when you need some more ideas, check this page for new activities to keep you busy:


1) Love your family

2) Smile as often as you can

3) Read the books you love

4) Sing your favourite songs and nursery rhymes

5) Dance like no one is watching


When I am not at school, I am helping my own children with their learning and I have noticed how much time they are spending on their screens. So firstly this week I want you to think about how you can stay safe when online.


Take care of each other,

Mrs Sampson wink

Activity 1: Collect some of your toys and make a shop. Can you write labels for the prices and name the objects?

Activity 2: Make a den. Is there a secret password for your den? Can you write rules for your den?



Activity 3: Make a mask using an old cereal box. What super power do you have when you wear the mask? Can you write about this super power?

Activity 4: Create an event such as a disco. Write tickets and sell them to your family, then enjoy listening and dancing to music.

Activity 5: Save boxes from around your home and have some fun creating a junk model.

Activity 6: Have a teddy bears picnic. Create invites and place names for the teddies and then help the grown-ups to make the picnic.

Spring 2020
Suggested tasks from 15th - 22nd April 2020

Easter Fun

With Easter approaching, have an egg/potato and spoon race, preferably outdoors in your garden if possible. Balance your egg/potato carefully and walk/run as fast as you can. (A handy tip would be to hard boil the eggs first.) You could decorate your eggs/potatoes before the race.

Missing Numbers

In a nutshell – Write number sequences on craft sticks and remember to leave some blanks in between. Next, you write the missing numbers on a bunch of clothes pegs. Now you’re ready to let your children use their fine motor skills and clip the pins on sticks. The best thing about this inexpensive early years maths activity is that you only create the props once and they’re ready to be used as many times as you like.

What you need

  • Craft Sticks (colour or plain)
  • Sharpies
  • Clothes Pins

Today’s challenge – a scavenger hunt!


  • Find a range of objects in your garden or on a local walk. Remember social distancing.

You will need

  • Something to carry everything in such as a tub or old washing up bowl.

What to do

  • In your garden or safe outdoor space search for the following:
  • Something old
  • Something wet
  • Something heavy
  • Something shiny
  • Something dry
  • Something quiet
  • Something new
  • Something light
  • Something you would like to keep
  • Something you can blow in the wind
  • Something you have not seen before
  • Something that smells nice
  • Something beautiful
  • Five shades of green


Make something from your finds

With the scavenged items create a sculpture or picture. Can you invent a new species or creature? Or replicate a beautiful landscape you have seen?

Everyday I receive emails from different educational companies offering free resources, which is very generous, however these are aimed at KS1 and KS2 children frown. Today the Cambridge University Press sent out this publication and having looked at it, I think some of our reception children will enjoy doing the activities.

Good luck x

Hi guys,

If we were at school we would be learning about the Easter Story, so this week I will be adding a number of resources and ideas to help you do this at home.

Take care and stay safe x

Suggested tasks from 25th March - 1st April 2020

Hello laugh We hope you are all keeping well and happy. It's been a rather strange week this week, school is not the same without you! We've been thinking of you all. We hope you are able to enjoy this beautiful weather in your garden. Don't forget to be your best and help your parents whenever you can.


Mrs Sampson, Mrs Diggins and Miss Flanders x

Common Exception Words


These are important tricky words to learn and spell for when you are in Year 1.



Try these different counting games!
