Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
The HSA Way
This is our school ethos. It is our foundation and our guide. We know that if we follow the HSA Way, we can provide a nurturing and fulfilling education for all our children.
As a Church of England school we share the Church’s aim for all children to be able to live “life in all its fullness”.
We know that an ambitious and engaging academic curriculum, taught with rigour and enthusiasm, is essential to learning. We also recognise that academic learning must be underpinned by good behaviour for learning so children can learn safely.
Our Shared Code of Conduct helps the whole community promote good behaviour. And we believe that development of the whole child - personally, socially, emotionally and spiritually - is key to their happiness. This belief is expressed in our guiding Bible verse.
"Let your light shine."
Matthew 5:16
We have chosen these words from the Gospel of Matthew to be our guide and inspiration in all we do. These are words of instruction - a call to all those listening to be a light in the darkness. We teach our children how they can recognise their unique talents and abilities and use them to do good in the world. This gives our school a strong moral purpose and identity as we prepare children to go and be a light to people.
Our vision inspires us to ask questions. How do we help children to love learning? Are we aiming high? Does our school reflect our trust in God? These questions support us in our job of teaching and learning.
Compassion Courtesy Cooperation Curiosity Creativity Community
We believe these values help us learn and grow together. They offer many ways to let our light shine. We learn behaviours that help us live out our vision and values.
Our Christian Ethos is an active one. We call it our Christian Way of Life to recognise that living in faith is not just about values or visions, it's about what we do every day.
Our model is St Andrew, the first apostle to answer Jesus’ call.
St Andrew worked tirelessly as a fisherman before he became a disciple and then dedicated his life to sharing the good news of the Gospel. St Andrew was present for much of Jesus’ most important teaching. It was Andrew who found a boy with five loaves and two fishes who was willing to share his food with 5000 people and brought him to Jesus. We know this led to Jesus’ most famous miracle. With his brother, St Peter, Andrew had to learn to trust God and follow Jesus. He saw how Jesus could fill empty nets with fish after a long night of catching nothing and how St Peter asked Jesus’ forgiveness for his doubt. St Andrew ended his life as a martyr, doing the Lord’s work and living and acting in faith.
Use our gifts - we are grateful for our unique personhood and never let our abilities go to waste, we share our gifts willingly and creatively for the good of everyone in our community. This is how we let our light shine. St Andrew was chosen by Jesus who knew all Andrew had to offer – Andrew grew in Jesus’s love, using his gifts.
Forgive - we let our resentments go, we show compassion to others, we show we are sorry when things go wrong and we trust God to help us. St Andrew and St Peter learned to trust God enough to learn from him.
Persevere - we don’t give up when things are tough, we seek help when we need it and have hope for the future and our place in it. We aim high. St Andrew travelled all over the world sharing the Good News.
Welcome opportunities - we are always open to new things because we love learning and school gets us ready to learn. We say ‘yes!’ to what school has to offer and are curious about what the world has to offer. St Andrew answered Jesus’ call to follow him, leaving everything behind and not knowing what lay ahead.
We stand up for what is right - we lead by example, showing courtesy to everyone and fostering co-operation and understanding between all people. We are honest and steadfast. St Andrew lived his faith to the last.