Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
Hello Year 5!
Sadly, this is the last week of Year 5 and I still won't be able to see some of you until September! No doubt you will now know that I will continue to be your teacher into Year 6 so at least we will meet again then. It has been a really strange and difficult time for all of us over these last few months so when you all return in September, we will try to make school as normal as possible for all of us.
Enjoy the Summer break and please make sure that you are reading as much as possible and practising your times tables when you can - we still have SATS at the end of Year 6, so we're going to hit the ground running in September.
Take care and see you all soon,
Mr Chapman
Hello again Year 5!
I can't believe that it's only 2 more weeks until the Summer holidays! Normally we would be rehearsing for our end of year production, starting to relax and think about what we're going to be getting up to over the holidays. Now that our options are limited, this is the perfect time to practise and sharpen up our key skills for when we start up back in September. Try and read as much as possible as well as practising times tables.
We have again been enjoying seeing some new faces back in school and can't wait to see everyone again.
Mr Chapman
Hello again Year 5!
It has been fantastic seeing so many of you come back to school over the last week and throw yourself back into school life with great energy and enthusiasm! We have been practising our basic skills, such as reading, grammar and maths whilst enjoying conversations on a wide range of topics, creating online stories, building gazebos, making works of art and improving our tennis skills!
I look forward to seeing you all again this week and am looking forward to seeing those of you who are coming back in September.
Mr Chapman
Hi Year 5,
I am very excited to see a lot of you come back to school this week! I know you will be feeling a large range of different emotions as you have been out of the classroom for so long. Some of you may feel excited or nervous or happy or anxious and all of these are absolutely normal and OK. I can promise you though that when you step back through the school's doors, we will all be there to support you and make your transition back to learning as smooth and enjoyable as possible. We will be focusing on a whole range of topics as well as recapping our key skills in maths and English and will be spending as much time as possible outside.
For those of you who are not yet coming in, I will be leaving weekly work as per usual here on our class page and it will broadly reflect what we are doing in class.
I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Mr Chapman
Hello Year 5! It feels strange to be communicating to you via the internet rather than face-to-face but, as I said to you in class, we are in the middle of a unique moment in history that will be studied for years to come so we've all got to be adaptable.
Firstly, I hope you and your families are all happy, safe and well and have enjoyed the last few days of glorious sunshine (remembering to social distance of course)! Secondly, I hope you're remembering my advice to give yourself some structure and routine during the day by taking the opportunity to exercise, read, be creative, learn new skills and play.
I will be leaving suggestions for learning you can be getting on with over the following weeks so make sure you keep checking the class page for any updates.
There are lots of free books that you can read online!
Common Exception Words/ Statutory Spellings
Children must learn to read and spell all of these words by the end of Year 6. At this point in the year children should be able to read and spell all of Year 3 and 4 words and half of the Year 5 and 6 words.
TT Rockstars
Please let us know if your child cannot remember their log in.