Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
Your child will be developing their skills in a wide range of curriculum areas. Please click on the link to each curriculum area to find out more.
We want all children in our school to love learning.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed and adapted to inspire, excite and engage children so that they aim high and make good progress through all curriculum areas. It recognises where children are in their learning, development and understanding and enables all children to progress in their knowledge, skills and understanding.
Each subject leader has carefully considered what each year group need to learn so that by the time they leave us, children have a good grounding in all curriculum areas and are ready not only for Secondary School, but also the challenges and excitement of the wider world.
As children learn with us, they will discover a curriculum rich in practical activity, high quality resources and cultural experiences. They will have many opportunities to let their light shine in our school community.
Our topic overviews for each term can be found on our class pages.
Each class holds a 'Meet the teacher' meeting at the start of each academic year. This is an opportunity to find out more about our curriculum and ask any questions about what your child will be studying.
Your child's class teacher will be able to keep you updated on the curriculum they are studying throughout the year. Teachers are often available at the end of the school day for brief chats. If you need more time, please phone the school office to make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher. Please note that Tuesday is our Staff Meeting Day and teachers will not be able to make appointments for that time.
If you require any further information regarding our curriculum please contact the school using Please mark your email 'Curriculum Enquiry'. If you would like to find out about a particular subject area, please tell us and we will make sure the relevant subject leader answers your questions.
Our daily 10 for 10 is a core part of our curriculum offer. It is designed to give children daily opportunities to develop their learning, creative and personal skills.
We know that regular practice is how we get better at everything, from playing an instrument to speaking Spanish. It may take 10 000 hours to become an expert, but those hours start with the first 10 minutes - and every 10 minutes after that!
In addition to all their regular curriculum lessons, our 10 for 10 supports children to become independent learners and discover what they love to do. 10 skills, for 10 minutes, every day: 10 opportunities to begin a lifetime of loving learning.
Our daily 10 for 10 are: