
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):

Rebecca Sutherland Cooper  - Headteacher


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL):

Clare Sampson  - Pastoral Lead

Jo Marshall - SENCo

Lisa Want - Family Support Worker

Keeping all children safe at Hertford St Andrew is our priority. We work hard to sustain a culture of safeguarding that keeps this duty at the forefront of all we do. Paper copies of this information are available in the school lobby.



We are rigorous in our safeguarding checks for all members of staff, visitors and volunteers. We adopt all the advice in the most up to date version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.


Children learn about how to keep themselves and others safe in PSHE lessons, collective worship and through our HSA Way. We actively teach Safety Behaviours as part of our behaviour curriculum.


If you are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child in our school, please contact us on 01992 583105. Ask to speak with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.


If you are worried about any child's safety or wellbeing outside of school hours, please contact Hertfordshire Children's Services on 0300 123 4043 or the NSPCC. In an emergency where there is an immediate danger, call the police on 999.


Please click below to find our relevant child protection policies.
