
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.

Year Nursery & Reception Birch

Sports Week

This week has been wonderful! The children have enjoyed a variety of physically fun activities and Sports Day is still to come smiley

Aldenham Country Park Trip

Early Years and KS1 children enjoyed a wonderful day of exploration and excitement at Aldenham Country Park. It was heart warming to see them run, climb and search in the woods. Of course, if you ask the children, as I did, the best part of the day was the coach journey and lunch!

At the Seaside

The classroom and garden have new role play areas where the children have been acting out their holiday experiences on the beach and in the beach shop/cafe.

International lockdown has lifted in Early Years!

Messy Play

Learning with Shapes

We have had lots of fun this week learning with and about shapes. The children have been sorting shapes, identifying their names and properties and applying their shape knowledge to calculate. What a super bunch they are!

We had a visit from Pearl the rabbit today.

There's a mouse!

There is the tiniest hole at the bottom of one of our playhouses. Yesterday two of our wonderfully imaginative children created a mouse run for the mouse they believe lives there. Guess what? This morning there were mouse footprints! wink

Choo Choo!

We have continued to enjoy learning about trains this week. The children have created their own train carriage, so they can transport some of our toys from one place to another.

Full Steam Ahead!

There has been some fantastic role play taking place in the early years garden this week. The children have been to the seaside, explored the mountains and enjoyed picnics wherever they have been.

Parting and Regrouping

The children have been looking at different ways to partition a whole number into smaller parts. They are becoming really good at using a speaking frame to articulate his understanding.

Duck and Frog get Stuck in the Mud!

I haven't added any photographs of the children exploring the mud with the animal characters, I'm not sure you'd forgive me! So here are the finger puppets the children created to support their retelling of the story.

Enjoying Phonics

Balanceability Sessions March/April 2021

Odd Socks Day 2020

This was a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week!

Whose is whose?

Diva Candles

This week the children have created their very own Diva lamps. Firstly the clay had to be moulded into shape. They were left to dry over night, before the children carefully decorated them with paint and sequins. The end result is amazing!

Children In Need 2020

We would like to thank you for you kind donations towards this wonderful cause! Today the children found out how this money will help children all around the UK. The children joined Joe Wicks, as he completed his 24 hours exercise challenge and they decorated cakes with spots, just like the spots on Pudsey's patch.


This week the children have been learning about the Hindu festival Diwali. Diwali is called the Festival of Lights, Special lamps are lit in homes and people watch fireworks . Hindu's think about stories where good beats evil. The children have made Diwali fireworks and are making Diwali candle holders.

Cosmic Yoga - Sonic the Hedgehog

Chocolate Sprinkle Fireworks

This week the children have learnt the history behind bonfire night. They found out that a man called Guy Fawkes failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament and therefore Kind James 1 decreed that 5th November should be the day that people always celebrate that the Gunpowder Plot did not happen.

We watched a selection of firework displays, created our own firework paintings and of course made chocolate sprinkle fireworks.

What an amazing first half term. We are thrilled with how well the children have adjusted to new routines and expectations. We hope the half term break gives you some much needed rest and time to spend as a family.

House Construction

The children have worked together to create the different types of houses that can be found in the local area. We have learnt that our school is on the Sele Farm estate and that the estate is situated in the town of Hertford.

Labelling Body Parts