Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
Lead teacher - Mr Luke Shasha
Children at Hertford St. Andrew will build on the curiosity, awe and wonder instilled in the Early Years environment and develop as scientists who are able to carry out enquiries based on the following ‘working scientifically’ skills: comparative and fair testing, research, observation over time, classifying and grouping and pattern seeking.
British Science Week
At Hertford St Andrew we celebrate British Science Week. Each year the school takes a theme for their science exploration. Previous themes have included minibeasts and space, while for the academic year 2019-20 we used the theme 'Science in Stories' to carry out investigations into light and shadows with Peter Pan in KS2 and materials and their properties to help poor Humpty Dumpty in KS1 and Early Years!
On the last day we invite parents and children to visit the science celebration in the hall, where they can try different experiments and activities run by the older children and staff.
You can find out more about British Science Week at:
Places in the local area to visit: