
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.


  • Update 29.4.20

    Wed 29 Apr 2020

    Dear Parents,


    Please find below a link to our latest video which includes some messages from staff at Hertford St Andrew. This can also be viewed on the Headteacher Update section under the About Us tab on the website:



    For any parents that requested home learning packs, these can be collected from the school gates tomorrow (30.4.20) from the school gates. Please remember that any online work posted by teachers does not need to be printed.


    If you have any questions please use the following contacts below:


    Family Support Worker - Mrs Hammond 07565170288

    Email home learning -

    Other school matters -

    Yours sincerely

    Mr Jones

  • Update 27th April

    Mon 27 Apr 2020

    Dear Parent/carers

    I hope this message finds you well, it is hard to believe that it has been 5 weeks since the school closed. At this time we are still uncertain as to when we can re-open. Once the government has reviewed the lockdown procedures in the next two weeks hopefully we will know more.

    Please continue to check our website for updates including the class pages for weekly home learning and the headteacher update under the 'ABOUT US' tab.

    Home Learning

    We are conscious that some families may not have access to laptops and printers. Almost all of the home learning can be accessed and viewed on a smart phone or tablet. However if you require a paper leaning pack please email by 12pm on Wednesday 29th April stating the year group you would require a pack for. We will then advise you when these are available for collection. If you are able to access learning at home we would encourage you to continue doing so.

    Free School Meals

    If you are currently in receipt of a 'Free School Meal' and asked the school to provide these can be collected from the school gate between 11:30 - 1:00pm (for local families). If you previously did not require a lunch but circumstances have changed please email the admin address.    

    School Contacts

    Family Support Worker - Mrs Hammond 07565170288

    Email home learning -

    Other school matters -

    Yours sincerely

    Mr Jones

  • Update 22.4.20

    Wed 22 Apr 2020
    Dear Parents/Carers
    I hope you all had a happy Easter and are at staying safe at home. The staff really miss seeing the children and I thank you for your patience as we wait to find out when the school can open again. 
    As we continue to live in these difficult times, the school is looking for more ways in which we can be in contact with pupils. For this purpose we have created a new email which parents and pupils can use to contact teachers. This can be used to ask any questions about the learning which has been set or if the pupils wish to share any work or activities that they have done at home. Teachers are available to respond to to these between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday, but please be mindful that teachers may not respond immediately as they are each in school one day a week. The email to use is:

    All other queries should be sent to the usual school email 
    Teachers will continue to post new learning weekly in the class pages section of our website found under the Pupils tab.
    I have also created a new page under the About Us tab called Headteacher Updates where I will be posting weekly. I have posted a short video message which can also be found here:
    We look forward to hearing from you and finding out the different things you have been doing at home.
    Kind Regards
    Mr Jones