
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.

Take One Book Week

Last week was ‘Take One Book’ week here at Hertford St Andrew. All year groups focussed on ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ by Dianne Hofmeyr. The book tells the story of how a giraffe was transported from Africa to Paris as a gift to the King of France. As this began in the year 1827, the journey was not a simple one and the book depicts how the first ever giraffe in Paris was greeted by the people of the time. With wondrous illustrations (Jane Ray) and beautiful, descriptive language, it was a picture book that could easily be accessed by all year groups.

Children and teachers were able to use the book to create some wonderful artwork, intricate designs and exceptional writing. Each class have displayed some of their remarkable work around the school and more detail can be found on the class pages. Please feel free to borrow a copy of the book to share with your child by asking your child’s class teacher. Definitely a wonderful read to share with your children.
