Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
Reception Wake and Shake- Each morning Reception take part in a Wake and Shake to stimulate their minds and bodies ready for a day of learning. These past few weeks they have followed Cosmic Yoga, learning a range of stretches and poses.
Chance to Shine Cricket - On Fridays Year 1 to 6 all take part in developing cricket skills through the Chance to Shine charity. They are also running an after school club for pupils in Years 5 and 6.
The Daily Mile- We are very pleased to reintroduce the Daily Mile, a national initiative to keep children moving. Each day at 2pm the whole school meets on the field to walk, jog or run a circuit round the field as many times as possible in ten minutes.
Poetry- The whole school has started the year by studying the book Africa, Amazing Africa! Year 5 and 6 have created these list poems from their studies of the continent.