
Hertford St Andrew CE Primary School

Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.

Kingswood - Day 2

Good evening to you all again. 


We had a rather tough night here on our first night at Kingswood due to one of our girls becoming very ill. Mrs Garbutt did an absolutely fantastic job of caring for Natasha all through the early hours of this morning but it was decided by all that she should be collected and taken home. A really sad moment for me and Mrs Garbutt but particularly upsetting for Natasha. We all wish her well and hope that she is already on the road to a full recovery. 


After the dramas of the night, we still managed to pull ourselves out of bed nice and early and made our way to breakfast where we ate enough to feed a small army. Our first activity was Archery and I think it's safe to say that Robin Hood has at least a few threats to his job. This was followed by the first high set activity, Abseiling. All of the children made it to the top of the tower (more than I did!!) and most made their way down to the bottom, although some rather more confident than others. Special mention to Maison who took the final steps this year and plunged over the edge. 

Orienteering followed and the children were split into groups to charge around the grounds looking for numbered stamps. Lots of enthusiasm but peppered with a few missed letters! From there, we made our way to lunch and recharged our batteries ready for the afternoon session.

Problem Solving was the first activity of the afternoon and it took a while for the group to get their brains to operate at the right pace (including the teachers!) but we managed to get there in the end. On to crate stack where we had some fantastic success with very high stacks and lots of unicorns. I think I'm right in saying that the highest was Levi who managed to reach 15 before swinging off. The afternoon session ended with arguably the funniest activity of all, the 3G Swing. Some decided not to participate but those who did pulled some of the most hilarious faces as the swing was first released. 

On to dinner, lasagna or jacket spuds with salad and soup if we wanted. More filling of the stomachs! Then our last session which was Trail of Mystery. A murder had been committed and the children played the roles of suspects, jury and clerks (even I had a part!!). It was finally established that Penelope (Maison) had committed the dasterdly deed and he was appropriately dealt with!! 

Again, the day ended with hot chocolate and I think it's fair to say that we are exhausted. As I type, the children are tucked up in bed and I wouldn't be surprised if they are not already fast asleep............well fingers crossed!! Enjoy today's photos.  

