Love Learning. Aim High. Trust God.
Headteacher Update
Dear Parents,
We have spent a large portion of this week preparing our school for the return of other year groups on a part time basis, starting from Monday 22nd June. The hardworking and dedicated staff have once again spent many hours rearranging rooms, moving furniture and reevaluating procedures.
We appreciate that some of you are not yet ready for your children to return and we fully support your decision.
Unfortunately, at this time we cannot accommodate any more children in Nursery and Reception to safely maintain distancing within the space we have. I understand this may be frustrating for Early Years parents and we will endeavour to make the transition into their next phase as smooth as possible when they are all able to return.
The world is a very uncertain place at the moment and we do not think we will see our usual end of school year traditions taking place. This year we are likely to be without a Sports Day and we are not yet certain how we will celebrate our Year 6 coming to the end of their primary phase. You will still receive an end of year report detailing your child’s achievements up to March 20th.
I am sure many children are anxious to find out who their class teacher will be next year, and we will have to consider how to manage transition in our current situation. We will get this information out to parents as soon as possible.
Please continue to access work through the website class pages and use the teacher email ( to contact staff if you have any questions. We have recently signed up to Purple Mash, an exciting online platform, and look forward to introducing this to children in the near future.
Please also look out for a parent survey asking about digital learning which will be sent out next week.
You remain always in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to when we can once again physically reunite as a school community.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr R Jones